You're the one-Chapter 3/10
Friday, September 3, 2010 | 7:22 AM

Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya/Masuda Takahisa ; Nishikido Ryo/Yamashita Tomohisa ; Koyama Keiichiro/ Kato Shigeaki
Genre: PG-15 Author's Note: Yosh! This is my first NewS fanfiction(Serial) So please forgive me if i have any mistake inside the series! Of course, i welcome any comments, just place it at the shoutmix! :D For all the stories, do check out my section at BIOGRAPHY! :D Chapter Three
It's school day. Dragging his heavy feets, Shige dreaded his day in school. I wondered if i am able to meet Koyama today in school..
"Shige! SHIGE!!!" a voice suddenly shouted his name. He looked around frantically, and realised a figure was running towards his direction in full speed. He looked around, everybody was directing their attention towards Shige.
"SHIGEEEEEEEE! SHIGEEEEE!" the voice exclaimed.
The figure got clearer, and it was Koyama. Apparantly, he caught sight of Shige and came running into his direction, without stopping. He hugged Shige, and was nearing tears.
"SHIGE! I MISS YOU!!" Koyama was shouting and crying at the same time, like a baby.
"HUH? Idiot, you just met me two days ago! We didn't meet only yesterday, which was Christmas right!?"
"But still, I've missed you!" Koyama pouted.
Shige slammed his hand onto his forehead, and shooked his head.
"I can't believe you're actually three years older than me!" Shige exclaimed, unable to face Koyama's eyes.
"Shige! Let's meet in the cafeteria later during lunch alright!?" Koyama said, as he patted Shige's head, and walked away, flashing his usual wide grin onto his face.
"Idiot!!" Shige screamed, as he felt his heart pounding hard and fast. His face was red, his body was hot, even though it's winter.
Does Koyama knows my feelings? --------------------------------
Tegoshi stared outside of the window. The white snow was all piling up onto the floor, and he gazed at it, totally not having any interest in class lessons. How he wished he had take the day off, if he had knew that sensei will not be going through the important topics today. Sighing, he played with his pen with his fingers, as he stares at the clock intently..
Finally, lesson was over. Tegoshi hurriedly grabbed his bag, and headed home. Hurry, i need to get home, to see the photo.. It was a miracle that Tegoshi was able to reach the nearby LAWSON of his house just within few minutes, despite the snow piling up. As he bought a packed bento, and wanting to go up to his house, he saw a figure leaning onto the walls near the lift.
"Ah. Tesshi. " It was Massu.
"Ah. Massu? What're you doing here? Don't you have school?" Tegoshi asked, bewildered that Massu came right before he reached home.
Massu shooked his face. "I'm in a private high school. My school timing are different from yours."
Tegoshi just nodded his head, a form of understanding.
"Coming up?" Tegoshi then asked, pointing to the lift.
"Here, a cup of hot chocolate." Tegoshi placed the cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table in the dining room.
"Say, Tesshi. Do you really remember me? Do you know.. how we met?"
Tegoshi was silent. No, stop asking me. Stop asking me. Don't make me remember..
"Tesshi. I checked up on you. You.."
"NO! STOP!" Tegoshi suddenly screamed, plunging his hands to his ears.
"Don't.. don't make me remember.. Please, whoever you are.. Don't.. don't make me remember!!!!!" Tegoshi screamed, as he ran to his room, and locked the door behind him.
Massu sat on the sofa, motionless, as he stared at all the broken fragments of the vase Tegoshi had broke, lying on the ground.
"Yamapi, I am done for the day!" Ryo shouted, as he jumped onto Yamapi's shoulder.
"Ryo, stop it. You buta."
Ryo laughed it off, and walked into the staff's locker room to get changed.
"Say, that Tesshi, is he really the one Masuda have being finding? I mean, he seemed so different from what Masuda used to describe him as.." Ryo suddenly mentioned, as he started to take off the aprn on his waist.
As Yamapi walked in, he listened, and shooked his head.
"Who knows. But i guess, even how dumb Masuda can be, he will never recognise the wrong person. I mean, when it comes to feelings, that will be the strongest, right?"
Ryo sneaked up behind Yamapi, and hugged him by his waist, "Just like you and me, ne?"
Yamapi blushed furiously, before forcibly releasing himself from Ryo's grasp.
"Stop it Ryo. Somebody might come in"
He opened his text message,
From: Masuda Ryo, sorry. I cannot make it tonight. Why not you and Yamapi go ahead. Well, there's something going on between me and Tesshi, and i might want it to work it out. So, yeap. I'm sorry yea, i will make it up to you one day.
-Masuda ^_^"
"AHH! Yamapi! I'm afraid Masuda is not coming tonight~" Ryo saying, as he closed his handphone. Inside his heart, he was rather worried, but yet happy that he could spend his day without the lightbulb, with his boyfriend, Yamapi.
Ryo and Yamapi have being going out since two months ago, when they met each other at the bar. Since that day, Ryo and Masuda have being hanging out for quite awhile, since they were from the same high school. Yamapi started to join their clique, and not long, Yamapi confessed his feelings to Ryo, who gladly accepted them.
"YAMAPI~ We're alone tonight!" Ryo exclaimed, his voice full of excitment, as he plunged into Yamapi's embrace. Both of them lied on the sofa in Ryo's father V.I.P room. The room was embellished with many decorations, so many until we could not count them. It was a very grand room.
Yamapi was smiling. He was, also glad that he could spend his day with Ryo alone.
"I hope Masuda's okay with his Tesshi.. I hope something bad will not happen, although they're just my instincts.." Ryo suddenly blurted out.
Yamapi patted his head,"They'll be fine. It's Masuda afterall."
"Moshi moshi?" Shige answered his phone.
"Shige.." the voice answered back, that voice filled with confusion, fear..
"Eh? Tego-chan? What's wrong?" He was shocked upon hearing the usual happy Tegoshi's voice to be this soft.
"Could you do me a favour?"
"Anything for you. Spill it out." He was worried for Tegoshi every minute.
"Come to my house, and asked the guy in my living room, his name is Masuda. Ask him to leave right now. Please.."
Shige, upon recieving the favour, was shocked. He agreed, and hurriedly got dressed. On the way to Tegoshi's house, Shige got very worried, and a bad feeling. He immediately called Koyama, who stayed just near to Tegoshi. Both of them met downstairs, and went up to Tegoshi's house.
As they knocked on the door, a guy, around one year older than Shige and Tegoshi, came to open the door.
"Are you Masuda?" Shige asked, observing th guy from head to toe.
He nodded.
"Tegoshi asked me, to tell you to leave right now." Shige said, coldly. He spared no feelings when it came to Tegoshi's situation. Tegoshi was his best friend afterall.
Masuda looked behind. He then turned his direction back to Shige, and said, "I understand. I'm sorry."
Masuda then wore his shoe, and left Tegoshi's house. Shige entered, along with Koyama, who was just right behind him.
Chapter three is up! Alright, a little of Ryopi and Koyashige! :D COMMENT! :D
Labels: You're the One