

Welcome to my wonderful world of fanfiction! Leave if you're against Yaoi-Boy Loves!
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You're the one-Chapter 8/10
Friday, September 24, 2010 | 8:03 AM

Title: You're the One (Chapter Eight)
Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya/Masuda Takahisa ; Nishikido Ryo/Yamashita Tomohisa ; Koyama Keiichiro/ Kato Shigeaki
Genre: PG-15
Author's Note: Yosh! This is my first NewS fanfiction(Serial) So please forgive me if i have any mistake inside the series! Of course, i welcome any comments, just place it at the shoutmix! :D
For all the stories, do check out my section at BIOGRAPHY! :D

<< CHAPTER SEVEN                                                                     CHAPTER NINE >>

Chapter Eight

Masuda sat quietly on the edge of his dining room table. He gazed around the empty house. Few years ago, he and Tegoshi shoud be the best couple that everybody could actually believed. How could this on earth happened? Masuda looked at all the research that was holding on his hand. He still could not believe what his private investigator told him, of course, about Tegoshi.

".....memories lost...."

Tegoshi was still covering himself. He had skipped school that day. As he took out the photgraph from his pocket, he looked at it. The picture, it was him, and her. He was smiling was cheerfully, and his hands wrapped around the shoulders of hers. One year ago, he killed her. He stabbed her right into the stomach. He was a murderer. A murderer in his heart. Tears dropped from his eyes onto the picture he was holding tightly onto. "Himino-chan..." Tegoshi whispered, as the days of his times spend with Himino slowly came back one by one..

There is no way Tegoshi could tell Masuda what on earth is happening to him. He couldn't open his mouth and said that,"I was straight once," or that,"I was straight once, because i love you." That was impossible, in an way, will Masuda even believe what Tegoshi tried to tell him?

His doorbell rang. Thinking that it was Shige who brought the homework to him, he opened. To realise that it was Ryo that was at the door. It was only Ryo, no other people, but only Ryo.

"Tego-nyan, you feeling better? Can i come in? Don't worry, I'm not here for that bastard," Ryo replied, ensuring Tegoshi that he came purely in concern of Tegoshi. Tegoshi then nodded his head, before widening the door entry, and allowing Ryo to enter.

"Coffee?" Tegoshi asked, his voice filled with weakness. Ryo's heart melted. He suddenly felt pain in his heart. When he noticed that Tegoshi couldn't walk stably, he then declined the offer, and helped Tegoshi onto the sofa. Tegoshi wrapped himself up, with his kness on the sofa. Ryo looked at Tegoshi, and then he suddenly spoke. "Sorry Tego-nyan. I shouldn't have even tried to ask you to patch things up with Masuda. He's.. he's not a friend of mine at all!" Ryo declared. Tegoshi looked towards the direction of Ryo. Ryo continue speaking,"Tego-nyan, if masuda don't know how to appreciate you.. then,I.." he paused, looked at Tegoshi, and continue,"Then, I will be the one who protects you!" Ryo stood up and rushed right in front of Tegoshi, and hugged him.

"Suki desuyo. Tego-nyan, I like you," Ryo's voice trembled, as Tegoshi tried absorbing every word into his ears.

"Ryo-chan.. I..Sorry, I.." Tegoshi stammered, not sure on how to reject Ryo.

Ryo released his hug, and sat by the sofa. He looked sad. He asked,"You.. you have someone you like already?"

Tegoshi nodded his head. "I think it's fair if you know.. Since.. since I met with Masuda, i remembered everything.. I.. like Massu.." Tegoshi paused, and continued, "I can't let him know what happened to me during the times when i lost my memories, but i am sure i still love him, although i forgotten that i actually love him during the time of my amnesia.."

Ryo stood up. He smiled. "Finally you admitted that you like Masuda. Took you long enough, Tego-nyan." Ryo said. Tegoshi looked up, when he finally understood everything.

"Ah Ah! Although i really meant it when i declared 'I will take you down' , seems like even if i want to, it will be impossible anyway!" Ryo grumbed, scratching his head.

"This is boring, I'm leaving." With that, without goodbye, Ryo went towards the door, the close the door behind him. As Ryo walked down the stairs, warm tears were trickling down his eyes. Everything today remained him of his past..

"Masuda, you're one lucky guy.." 
