You're the one-Chapter 5/10
Saturday, September 11, 2010 | 7:40 AM

Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya/Masuda Takahisa ; Nishikido Ryo/Yamashita Tomohisa ; Koyama Keiichiro/ Kato Shigeaki
Genre: PG-15 Author's Note: Yosh! This is my first NewS fanfiction(Serial) So please forgive me if i have any mistake inside the series! Of course, i welcome any comments, just place it at the shoutmix! :D For all the stories, do check out my section at BIOGRAPHY! :D
Chapter Five
"Masuda! What's wrong with you and Tegoshi?" Ryo banged into Masuda's dorm room, without even caring what Masuda was doing at all.
"Eh? RYO! Stop banging into people's room like that, that's very rude!"
"So, what's wrong?" following behind Ryo, of course, was Yampi.
"Eh? Nothing's wrong at all.." Masuda mumbled, his head facing down.
Masuda sat on the sofa, as stacks of papers and papers were surrounding him. He was as if finding for something important. Yes, it is very important.
Ryo and Yamapi sat beside him, and observed him. This was the first time they see such a serious face etched across on Masuda's face. This really is the first time.
"Masuda! What are you doing?" Ryo asked, being the curious person.
"I am searching for something."
Masuda continue searching. It was something very important. It is something about Tegoshi. He wants to find out more about him, what happened to him the past years when they seperated from each other.. Just then, Masuda's telephone rang.
"Hello, yes, it's me. How's it?" Masuda replied.
Ryo and Yamapi looked towards each other, and continue listening to the conversation.
"Yes, yes. Tegoshi Yuya. Thank you."
Once Masuda hanged up the phone, Ryo snatched over all the documents that Masuda was holding onto.
"Masuda! What's wrong? What about Tegoshi? WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Ryo shouted, totally panicking, and frustrated of not knowing anything. Right behind his back, one of his hand was held on tightly by Yamapi, ensuring him that everything was going to be fine.
Masuda sighed. He snatched back the documents, looked at it for a moment, before he stood up, and walked towards the kitchen, got three glasses of water, and placed it onto the coffee table. Ryo and Yamapi just looked at him silently, as Masuda once again, sat onto the sofa, his head resting onto his hands that were clutching together.
He whispered, but yet loud enough for Ryo and Yamapi to hear, " I, myself also wants to know what on earth is happening.."
"Shige, where are we going?" Tegoshi asked, as he got dragged away by Shige.
"Shut up and follow me." Shige was dragging Tegoshi to somehwere he don't know of. After that, they finally arrived under a cherry blossom tree.
"Why did you bring me here, Shige?" Tegoshi asked.
"I think you've forgotten. We meet here during junior high, remember? That time, i was crying. You came by, and cheered me up. Your smile was the one that lit my day up. Tego-chan, I want you to smile always, be yourself, be the one I knew back then. Alright?"
Tegoshi teared. Tears were welling at the brink of his eyes, and he was at the brink. Feelings were overwhelming him, and he suddenly went over and hugged Shige. Shige eyes widened, and shocked of the sudden attack by Tegoshi.
"Shige, arigatou.. Really, thank you."
Shige patted Tegoshi's head, and trying to tell him that, "Yes, i am here for you, don't cry anymore."
Ah, sorry that this chapter is super short as well, my mother is rushing me to sleep, and i am loading my kurosagi, NEXT TIME, I SWEAR, it will be longer :x
Labels: You're the One