You're the one-Chapter 6/10
Saturday, September 11, 2010 | 10:10 PM

Pairings: Tegoshi Yuya/Masuda Takahisa ; Nishikido Ryo/Yamashita Tomohisa ; Koyama Keiichiro/ Kato Shigeaki
Genre: PG-15 Author's Note: Yosh! This is my first NewS fanfiction(Serial) So please forgive me if i have any mistake inside the series! Of course, i welcome any comments, just place it at the shoutmix! :D For all the stories, do check out my section at BIOGRAPHY! :D
Chapter Six
Shige and Tegoshi walked back together to his apartment. Right outside of the flat, was Koyama.
"eh? Koyama? What're you doing here?"
Koyama looked towards the source of voice, and realised it was Shige, and Tegoshi. Koyama scratched the back of his head, and giggled.
"Ehehe, I ended my club activities early, so i thought i would stop by and see how Tegoshi's doing"
Tegoshi nodded slightly, and Shige was laughing at Koyama's silly action. Just when Tegoshi entered the house, Koyama grabbed Shige by the arm and shouted back, "Tego! Shige and I are going to LAWSON to buy some things! Will be right back!" , and ran fast, with Shige trying his best to catch up with Koyama's speed.
"Koyama! What're you doing?" Shige was panting, when Koyama finally stopped at the back alley of LAWSON store.
Koyama pushed Shige to the wall, which made Shige heart pounded hard and fast.
Shige pushed Koyama away, and find an excuse to go.
"Tegoshi will be worried, we need to go back."
Koyama suddenly etched his eyebrows.
"Why are you always talking all about Tego? You love him, do you? I thought i can beared it, but i can't, shige! I am always looking at your gentle side with Tego, but when it comes to me, you are always shouting or scolding me. WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT?!"
The loud voice of Koyama's shocked Shige immediately on the spot. Shige started trembling, he was near to tears.
"I..I.." Shige trembled, totally very afraid of the Koyama who was standing in front of him..
The doorbell rang. Thinking it was Shige and Koyama, Tegoshi ran towards it. Unexpectedly, it was Ryo, Yamapi, and right behind them, was Masuda.
Tegoshi's hand started trembling too. He dared not look up to them, especially Masuda.
"Tegoshi, can we come in?" Ryo asked, voice low and soft.
Tegoshi nodded, and stand by the side, allowing three of them to enter.
"Koyama.. I.. I only treat Tegoshi as my best friend." Shige answered, his eyes fixed onto the ground.
Shige stopped, looked up, and finally decided that maybe this is the right time.
"Koyama, I always treated you so badly, because i don't know how to face you. My heart always pounded so hard and fast when you are in front of me.. I.. I love you."
Koyama suddenly sniffed, and hugged Shige, his tears flowing down onto Shige's shoulder.
"Tegoshi, now that you and Masuda are facing each other, can you guys clear the misunderstanding?" Yamapi voiced out.
Tegoshi and Masuda sat quietly on the other side of the sofa, both heads down. Ryo and Yamapi knew that they should be left alone, thus they stood out, and walked out of the house, staying outside of the apartment.
The house was silence. None party was talking. In Tegoshi's heart, he was wishing that Masuda would just leave right away.
"Tesshi.. I don't want us to be like this.."
Masuda's eyes widened. Tegoshi used to call him, Massu. But now? What's wrong with Tegoshi? What on earth is happening?
As Tegoshi was thinking of much things, his hand was in the pockets of the coat, clutching onto a photograph, his eyes shut..
"Shige, I love you too. I've always being, I was.. was just scared that you would not be friends with me anymore if i have confessed. I was so scared." Koyama muttered, still hugging onto Shige.
Shige's hand was placed at the back of Koyama's back. Just then, Shige's handphone rang. Koyama backed off, and Shige saw the Caller ID. He looked towards to Koyama.
"It's Tego."
"I am fine now, pick it up. Maybe it's something important."
Shige picked it up, and realised from the other side, he heard an unknown voice.
"Tesshi.. I don't want us to be like this.."
Shige's eyes widened. He continue listening.
Everything went silence. It's Tegoshi. But what on earth is happening? Shige looked towards Koyama, and Koyama knew something was wrong. Hurriedly, they ran towards the apartment of Tegoshi, to notice two guys standing outside of Tegoshi's house.
Afraid of something, Koyama stood in front of Shige, and walked towards both of them.
"What are you both doing outside here?" Koyama asked.
Ryo looked towards them, and panicked. Yamapi then stood in front of Ryo, and answered,"Just something"
"What thing could you have over here? I am sorry, but this is the door of my friend's, could you leave immediately? Bring along the guy who came unwelcomed inside as well."
Yamapi and Koyama stared at each other, as if there was lightning striking between their eyes. Shige stopped Koyama, while Ryo tried to ease Yamapi down. Shige and Ryo then looked at each other, with apologetic eyes.
After a moment, Koyama then rushed in the house. Yamapi tried stopping him, but he was too late.
"Tego! Are you alright?" Koyama shouted, with Ryo, Yamapi, Shige behind him.
The scene in front of them was rather unbelievable. Right at the sofa, Tegoshi was cuddling himself, his whole body shivering in fear. Masuda, was standing right in front of Tegoshi, his fist about to land down onto Tegoshi's face.
I think this is rather long! :D , enjoy~ :D
Labels: You're the One